Military Retirement 2021.2
Military Retirement is a stand alone application intended toassistmilitary personnel from all branches of military servicebyinforming them of their benefits upon retirement frommilitaryservice. Military Retirement gives assistance bycalculating anestimation of retirement pay based on the data youenter. This datais secure and does not leave your device and is nottracked in anyway. Military Retirement incorporates highly detailedalgorithms tocalculate your retirement pay to the highest level ofaccuracypossible. Compare multiple scenario options to determinewhichretirement option is best for you. No Login required. Nopersonallyidentifying information to enter. No demographic trackingof whoyou are. No spam. Military Retirement works for Active DutyandReserve/Guard for the following types of retirement plans:FinalPay, High-3, BRS, and CSB/REDUX personnel. Specifically,MilitaryRetirement will calculate • RETIREMENT PAY : Based on Rank,Yearsand Months of Service, and Date of Retirement. Also works fortimein rank of less than 3 years. • SURVIVOR BENEFIT PLAN : BenefitandPremium • TRICARE MEDICAL INSURANCE : Options and Premium•DISABILITY PAY : Based on disability rating • VETERANS GROUPLIFEINSURANCE : Coverage and Premium • FEDERAL TAXES : Based onfilingstatus ** Note ** Information provided by MilitaryRetirementshould be used for educational and initial informativepurposesonly. Should not be used to plan retirement budget, asactualfinancial figures may slightly differ. Lynnfield LLCisdisabled-veteran owned.